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For Ballet and Opera Fans

The validity of Family and Youth Cards will be extended through December 31, 2020. You can keep using these Cards. In the case of Opera Cards and VarioCards, we will extend the validity by the period which was cancelled, but at least through December 31, 2020. New Cards with extended expiry dates will be issued and mailed to you. All other current information about tickets, cards and subscriptions in times of Corona can be found here.

OpernCard (OperaCard)

50% discount - from one week before the performance! Valid for all performances in the State Opera except for guest performances by foreign promoters. Up to two reduced tickets of the place groups 1-5 per show. Valid for 12 months from the date of issue. € 99,00


10% discount also in presale! Applies from the beginning of the presale for all performances of the price categories C to H in the State Opera. Up to two reduced tickets of the place groups 1-5 per performance. 12 months from the date of issue. € 30,00

JugendCard (YouthCard)

For all under 30: discounted tickets from two weeks before the performance! Valid for premiere and repertoire performances in the State Opera. Gala performances, special events (eg ballet workshops) and performances of foreign organizers excluded. A reduced ticket for the price of € 15,00 possible. No claim to a specific seat or place group. Regardless of the date of issue, valid for one season. Deadline is the day of the card purchase. € 15,00

FamilienCard (FamilyCard)

Take the whole family to the State Opera, the Thalia Theater or the Deutsches Schauspielhaus – and for a good price too? Not a problem with the FamilyCard of the Hamburg State Theatres!
The FamilienCard is valid for performances at the State Opera (Main Auditorium) in the categories C to H, as well as atthe Thalia Theater (Main Auditorium and Thalia in der Gausstraße) and at the Schauspielhaus (Main Auditorium). The FamilienCard admits up to two adults accompanied by children and teenagers up the age of 18. Adults receive a 10% reduction on available seats in Seating Groups 1 to 6 (State Opera). Children and teenagers pay a bargain fixed price for their tickets in the same place segment (at the State Opera: 10 €). Regardless of the date of issue, valid for one season. € 15,00 

Information and Orders

To make your planning easier, we will mail you the monthly programme flyers free of charge. You may also subscribe to the State Opera's "journal" for the special price of € 6 per season.

Card holders can book their discounted tickets at the ticket service of the State Opera, by calling (040) 35 68 68 or in the State Opera's online shop. Tickets for the Thalia Theater or the Schauspielhaus can be obtained from their ticket offices. All cards are personal and non-transferable.

Would you like additional information? Call us at +49 40 - 35 68 68 or +49 40 - 35 68 800. You may purchase the Cards from Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 6:30 pm at the Ticket Office of the Hamburg State Opera, Große Theaterstraße 25.

You can also order the various cards conveniently by emailing or by fax to +49 (40) 35 68 610.

Click here in order to download the order form.

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