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The School of the Hamburg Ballett

The School of the Hamburg Ballet, established in 1978, trains young people from all over the world for a professional dance career. The syllabus gives priority to all aspects of classical-academic dance such as pas de deux, pointe work, classical and contemporary variations, and Neumeier-repertoire. The syllabus also includes courses dedicated to the techniques of modern and character dance and is complemented by Pilates and strengthening classes. A strong emphasis is put on classes in choreographic composition. The academic programme also includes anatomy, music theory and dance history.

All classes are held in the Ballettzentrum Hamburg. This building, previously a high school for girls, is one of the last buildings designed by the famous Hamburg architect Fritz Schumacher. It has been converted into a training facility with nine studios, used by the Hamburg Ballet, the National Youth Ballet and the school. The boarding facilities with places for 34 students is also located in the building. 

Entrance examinations for pupils are held annually each spring. The pre-school is for children ages 7–9 years, the intermediate classes 10–16 years the Theatre Classes 16-18 years. Prospective students are assessed on physical aptitude, rhythmic and improvisational talents, as well as their level of classical ballet technique in relation to their age.

ABOUT THE SCHOOL  by John Neumeier

First and foremost, I am a choreographer. Choreographic visions demand dancers, a group, a company to create and develop ballets. To supply this group with technically well trained artists who understand and "speak" my dance language with their bodies, a school, closely affiliated to the company, was founded. It is the source and guarantee of continual renewal.

From the beginning, I envisaged a company with an unmistakable artistic identity. The extension of that vision is a school which combines the teaching of classical ballet and other dance forms with the practical experience of learning and working with a choreographer. A school with and without "style" - with "style" because it is attached to a specific company and to a particular choreographer, without "style" because the classical training is strong and the curriculum includes a universal dance education, preparing students for the dance world today.

The School of the Hamburg Ballet offers intensive classical ballet training, including pas de deux and variations, complemented by instruction in modern dance, composition, and folk dance. This visionary dance education is aimed towards developing artists, whilst preparing the students for work in a professional company, either in Germany or abroad.

The Ballettzentrum building in Hamburg provides a roof for the co-existence of school and company, offering dance education motivated by the daily presence and inspiration of a successful professional ensemble. This symbiosis of tradition and creation, of ballet "stars" and beginners makes it clear that ballet is a constantly developing and therefore very living language.

John Neumeier


Creativity Workshop XIII

Final year students present their own compositions in two programmes over the period of five six evenings. The young dancers are not only responsible for creating the choreography, but also for the choice of music, the lighting and costume design and the staging. Their fellow students are cast and dance in an array of diverse works. This is a big step on the road to their future careers as professional dancers.
Creativity Workshop XIII
Ernst Deutsch Theater
Program I
February 27 and 28, March 1, 2023
Program II
March 3, 4 and 5, 2023
7.30 pm
>> Creativity Workshop XIII

First Steps

Since 1980, the Hamburg Ballet has nurtured the tradition of opening our doors to audiences, in order to give them an insight into the development of young dancers. With "First Steps", a full-length evening programme will be offered by the students of the School of the Hamburg Ballet on the stage of the Hamburg State Opera House. The senior graduates will present their work alongside the youngest pre-school students and the elementary and intermediate classes, showing different aspects of their training.
First Steps
June 13, 2023
7.00 pm
>> First Steps

Beethoven Dances
40 Dances for 40 Years

A ballet to dances by Ludwig van Beethoven created by John Neumeier with students of all classes of the ballet school


"Beethoven Dances is a project for our school. I found it appealing to celebrate the 40th anniversary with 40 Beethoven dances. Especially the shortness of the dances fascinated me: It is a challenge to capture the specific mood with a group of students within only 40 seconds! Unlike in symphonic ballets, the emotional content of an existing composition is not the starting point of the choreography. Rather, I see the 40 freely combined dances as a material, with which I give every single student the opportunity to contribute with his own gifts and learned techniques and present the ballet school in a cohesive work."
John Neumeier

More Trailers:
>> Yondering
>> Creativity Workshop X
>> The Ballet School

Engagements of our graduates for the season 2022/23

We are happy to announce that our graduating students will be taking up positions in the following companies:


Exchange with Canada’s National Ballet School

By Zofia Jablonska (Theater Class VIII)
The past years have been very challenging for all of us, restrictions and safety measures have influenced every aspect of our lives. That made it even more special to be part of an exchange program that was brought back to life after three years.

Visiting Canada's National Ballet School is an amazing opportunity for a young student to get to know a new environment and learn from it. During my stay in Toronto I took classes with teachers that were great dancers and now are sharing their knowledge with the new generation. It was an interesting experience to see both similarities and differences in training that I am used to. Our days contained not only technique class and pointe technique with repertoire, we also got the chance to work with the choreographer Jera Wolfe. We learned his ballet „Arise", created specially for NBS. Mr. Wolfe uses a lot of contemporary movement in his work, which nowadays is so important in the dance world.

Talking about Canada's National Ballet School I must mention the amazing facilities. The school's beautiful building is located in Toronto's downtown. The studios are big and full of light. Meeting other students from around the world, observing their way of working and getting to know them was truly inspiring.

I never imagined I would be able to take part in an exchange like this one, it wouldn't be possible without the generous help of the Freunde des Ballettzentrums. I am beyond grateful for this incredible opportunity that has allowed me to grow and acquire a new perspective on a beautiful art form, which Ballet is.

Graduates of the School since 1978

who were/are in the company

Joseph Aitken, Maude Andrey, Anton Alexandrov, Aurore Lissitzky, Braulio Alvarez, Lucilia Alves, Mayo Arii, Stefanie Arndt, Silvia Azzoni, Silvano Ballone, Maria Baranova, Gabriel Barbosa, Patrick Becker, Franziska Beckmann, Borja Bermudez, Amélie Berthet, Olivia Betteridge, Viktoria Bodahl, Radoslaw Boguski, Leeroy Boone, Stephan Bourgond, Jemina Bowring, Jacek Bres, Karin Brennan, Gabriel Brito, Aurelian de Brocas, Alison Brooker, Alexander Busch, Lasse Caballero, Marie-Soizic Cabié, Laura Cazzaniga, Christelle Cennerelli, Florencia Chinellato, Ghanima Choffat, Zachary Clark, Filip Clefos, Hannah Coates, Yaiza Coll, Antonin Comestaz, Philippa Cook, Francesco Cortese, Orkan Dann, Peter Dingle, Ralf Dörnen, Catherine Dumont, Christopher Evans, Anita Ferreira, Christina Fritschi, Alessandro Frola, Agnès Galatoire, Massimo Garon, Lennard Giesenberg, Giorgia Giani, Nicolas Gläsmann, Andrzej Glosniak, Célicia Haas, Nicole Ham, Skye Harrison, Ulrike Hartmann, Anne-Catherine Haller, Francesca Harvey, Louis Haslach, Yukichi Hattori, Vladimir Hayryan, Julia Hellmund, Anna Herrmann, Sonja Herrmann, Georgina Hills, Nako Hiraki, Roger Höde, Natalia Horecna, Siteng Hu, Marià Huguet, Matias Iaconniani, Takeshi Ikeda, Carolin InhoffenPaula Iniesta, Futaba Ishizaki, Milan Jarosch, Marissa Jiménez, Emilija Jovanovic, Marc Jubete, Carsten Jung, Stella Kanatouri, Alison Kappes, Yungu Kang, Ayumi Kato, Susanne Klement, Vladimir Kocic, Megumi Kondo, Viktor Koukal, Yosuke Kusano, Paco Laguna, Anna Laudere, Hocine Layada, Aljoscha Lenz, Marcelino Libao, Xue Lin, Carolina Lohfert, Diogo Maia, Carolina Mancuso, Klara Matyas

Kim David McCarthy, Aleix Martinez, Bettina Marup, Emilie Mazon, Alice Mazzasette, Alfie McPherson, Arsen Megrabian, Cornelia Meierhans, Amelia Menzies, Isadora Meza, Frederike Midderhoff, Stephanie Minler, Ekaterina Mamrenko, Javier Monreal, Taisia Muratore, Louis Musin, Mathias Nolte, Matias Oberlin, Yuka Oishi, Shintaro O-ue, Tomi Paasonen, Hayley Page, Yun-Su Park, Kristina Paulin, Pietro Pelleri, Manuel Pelmus, Zhaoqian Peng, Roberto Pérez, Percevale Perks, Nathalie Perriraz, Mia Petrovic, Lidia Pettinicchio, Alban Pinet, Florian Pohl, Pablo PoloArtem Prokopchuk, Anna Rabsztyn, Lennart Radtke, Edvin Revazov, Dale Rhodes , Alexandre Riabko, Roberto Rigamonti, Sasha Riva, Lucia Rios, Chiara Ruaro, Estelle Sallé, Valentina Scaglia, Sofia Schabus, Parvaneh Scharafali, Dominik Schoetschel, Alexandra Schmidt-Rieche, Megan Scott, Torben Seguin, Mirabelle Seymour, Sakura Shimizu, Ben Shitrit, Lea Sjövall, Madeleine Skippen, Joel Small, Emily Smith, Lucia Solari, Ines Sprenger, Jane Standish, Yohan Stegli, Karen Stephenson, Martin Stiefermann, Thomas Stuhrmann, Hermine Sutra Fourcade, Airi Suzuki, Maciej Sziszkowski, Ana Torrequebrada, Alexandr Trusch, Konstantin Tselikov, Priscilla Tselikova, Jacek Tyski, Ivan Urban, Ricardo Urbina, Isadora Meza, Sophie Vergères, Constant Vigier, Miljana Vracaric, Lizhong Wang, Miguel Wansing Lorrio, Kiran West, Dirk Weyershausen, Anna-Lena Wieg, Chelsea Winter, Joanne White, Natalia Wojciechowska, Eliot Worrell, Mengting You, Dao Yuan Chen, Illia Zakrevskyi, Mariana Zanotto, Dina Zaripova, Lin Zhang, Aleksa Zikic


Regularly talented young dancers selected for prizes by the jury of the "Prix de Lausanne" chose the School of The Hamburg Ballet to spend their scholarship year. Others choose to dance as an aspirant with the company of The Hamburg Ballet.

Past winners of this international competition who have chosen our school or company for their scholarship prize include Stefanie Arndt (1983), Jirí and Otto Bubenícek (1992), Yohan Stegli (1998), Aleix Martínez (2008), Zhaoqian Peng (2009), Emanuel Amuchástegui (2010), Christopher Evans (2010), Madoka Sugai (2012), João Vitor Santana (2020), Lin Zhang (2020) und Miguel Oliveira (2022).


Visit the "Prix de Lausanne's" official web site for more information about the competition.

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