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  • PEER GYNT at the Bolshoi Theater (2016)

Tours since 1973


Granada – Festival Internacional de Música y Danza de Granada
Allegro Brillante (Choreography: George Balanchine) / Désir / Rondo / Jeu de cartes (Choreography: John Cranko)
Twilight / 3 Pas de deux from Romeo and Juliet / Divertimento No 15 (Choreography: George Balanchine)
Kinderszenen / 2 Pas de deux from Swan Lake / Trauma / Jeu de cartes (Choreography: John Cranko)

Jerusalem – International Convention Center, Binyenei Ha'ouma
Rondo / Twilight / Kinderszenen / Trauma

Tel Aviv – F. Mann Auditorium
Romeo and Juliet

Caesarea – The Roman Theater
Romeo and Juliet

Bremerhaven – Stadttheater
Rondo / Twilight / Kinderszenen / Trauma


Venice – Piazza San Marco
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Venice – Teatro La Fenice
Twilight / Rondo / Le Sacre

Venice – Campo del Ghetto
Kinderszenen / Désir / Die Stille

Stuttgart – Staatstheater
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Ludwigshafen – Theater im Pflazbau
Twilight / Rondo / Le Sacre

Frankfurt-Höchst – Jahrhunderthalle
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Luxemburg – Grand Théâtre
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler


Schwetzingen – Rokoko-Theater
Twilight / Petrushka Variations / Don Juan

Paris – Théâtre de la Ville
Twilight / Rondo / Le Sacre
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler
Désir / Trauma / Die Stille

Haifa – Auditorium Haifa, Sderot Hanassi
Kinderszenen / Trauma / Petrushka Variations / Le Sacre

Tel Aviv – F. Mann Auditorium
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Jerusalem – International Convention Center, Binyenei Ha'ouma
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler


Gdansk – Wybreze Teatr
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Vienna – Theater an der Wien
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Florence – Teatro Comunale
Petrushka Variations / Epilog / Die Stille / Le Sacre

Berlin – Deutsche Oper
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Brussels – Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler
The Nutcracker


Stuttgart – Staatstheater
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Frankfurt-Höchst – Jahrhunderthalle
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Luxembourg – Grand Théâtre
String Quintet in C-Major by F. Schubert / Fourth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Esch-sur-Alzette – Théâtre Municipal
Kinderszenen / Désir / Die Stille / Petrushka Variations

Saarbrücken – Staatstheater
String Quintet in C-Major by F. Schubert / Fourth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Munich – Staatsoper
Illusions – like Swan Lake
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Leverkusen – Forum
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Helsinki – Finlandia Hall
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler


Warsaw – Theater Wielki
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Paris – Théâtre de la Ville
A Midsummer Night's Dream
String Quintet in C-Major by F. Schubert / Fourth Symphony of Gustav Mahler
Petrushka Variations / Le Sacre

Leverkusen – Forum
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Cologne – Oper
A Midsummer Night's Dream


Luxembourg – Grand Théâtre
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Stuttgart – Staatstheater
Songfest / Age of Anxiety

Mannheim – Nationaltheater
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Bremerhaven – Stadttheater
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Ludwigshafen – Theater im Pfalzbau
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Frankfurt-Höchst – Jahrhunderthalle
Songfest / Vaslav / Le Sacre

Bucharest – Operei Romane
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Lausanne– Théâtre de Beaulieu
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Bregenz – Festspielhaus
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Wiesbaden – Hessisches Staatstheater
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Ghent – Koninklijke Opera
Don Quixote / Vaslav / Le Sacre

Antwerp – Koninklijke Vlaamse Opera
Don Quixote / Vaslav / Le Sacre

Brussels – Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Cologne – Oper
West Side Story


Mannheim – Nationaltheater
Songfest / Age of Anxiety

Dresden – Semperoper
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Munich – Staatsoper
Lady of the Camellias

São Paulo – Teatro Municipal
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Bach Suite 2 / Don Quixote / Le Sacre

Rio de Janeiro – Teatro Municipal
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler
Bach Suite 2 / Don Quixote / Le Sacre

Buenos Aires – Teatro Colón
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Saint Petersburg – Mali Theater
A Midsummer Night's Dream


Ludwigshafen – Theater im Pfalzbau
Don Quixote / The Legend of Joseph

Luxembourg – Grand Théâtre
Saint Matthew Passion

Lausanne– Théâtre de Beaulieu
Saint Matthew Passion
Bach Suite 2 / Vaslav / Petrushka Variations / Le Sacre

Berlin – International Congress Centrum
Saint Matthew Passion


Frankfurt-Höchst – Jahrhunderthalle
Bach Suite 2 / Vaslav / The Legende of Joseph

Leverkusen – Forum
Forerunners / Stravinsky Montage / Petrushka
Bach Suite 2 / Vaslav / Petrushka Variations / Le Sacre

New York – Brooklyn Academy of Music
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Bach Suite 2 / Vaslav / The Legende of Joseph
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler
Saint Matthew Passion

Cologne – Opera
Bach Suite 2 / Don Quixote / Le Sacre

Mannheim – Nationaltheater
Saint Matthew Passion

Paris – Théâtre de la Ville
Saint Matthew Passion
Forerunners / Petrushka / Le Sacre

Venice – Teatro La Fenice and Chiesa dei SS. Giovanni e Paolo
Saint Matthew Passion
A Midsummer Night's Dream


Leverkusen – Forum
Saint Matthew Passion

Neuss – Stadthalle Neuss
Saint Matthew Passion

Salzburg – Domplatz
Saint Matthew Passion

Frankfurt – Alte Oper
Saint Matthew Passion

Toronto – Ryerson Theater
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler
Saint Matthew Passion

Ottawa – Opera House of the National Arts Centre
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Montreal – Place des Arts, Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler
Saint Matthew Passion

Chicago – Ravinia Festival, Pavillon
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Saint Matthew Passion
Kinderszenen / Désir / Vaslav / Mozart 338


New York – Brooklyn Academy of Music
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler
Bach Suite 3 / Tristan / Les Chaises
Kinderszenen / Mozart 338 / Fourth Symphony of Gustav Mahler
Saint Matthew Passion

Sixth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Paris – Théâtre de la Ville
Sixth Symphony of Gustav Mahler
Saint Matthew Passion
Bach Suite 3 / Tristan / Mozart 338

Stuttgart – Staatstheater
Saint Matthew Passion

Bergen – Grieghallen
Saint Matthew Passion

Salzburg – Domplatz
Saint Matthew Passion

Helsinki – Finlandia Hall
Saint Matthew Passion


Tokyo – Bunka Kaikan
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Bach Suite 3 / Mozart 338 / Fourth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Sendai – Miyani Kenmin Kaikan
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Yokohama – Kanagawa Kenmin Hall
Bach Suite 3 / Mozart 338 / Fourth Symphony of Gustav Mahler
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Tokyo – NHK Hall
Saint Matthew Passion
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Urawa – Urawa-shi Bunka Center
Bach Suite 3 / Mozart 338 / Fourth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Nagoya – Shimin Kaikan
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Osaka – Festival Hall
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Kobe – Kokusa Kaikan
Bach Suite 3 / Mozart 338 / Fourth Symphony of Gusav Mahler

Kyoto – Kyoto Kaikan
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Hiroshima – Yubin Chokin Hall
Saint Matthew Passion

Kitakyushu – Kyushu Kosei Nenki Kaikan
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Fukuoka – Sun Palace Hall
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Wiesbaden - Hessisches Staatstheater
Lady of the Camellias

Budapest – State Opera House
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler


Brussels – Cirque Royal
Saint Matthew Passion

Luxemburg – Grand Théâtre
As You Like It

Frankfurt-Höchst – Jahrhunderthalle
As You Like It

Copenhagen – Det Kongelige Teater
Lady of the Camellias
Saint Matthew Passion

Lausanne – Théâtre de Beaulieu
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Marseille – Opera Municipal
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Paris – Théâtre de la Ville

Pompei – Teatro Grande
Daphnis and Chloe / Firebird

Berlin - Deutsche Staatsoper
Lady of the Camellias
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler
Saint Matthew Passion

Leipzig – Opera House
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Chemnitz – Opera House
As You Like It

Dresden – Semperoper
As You Like It


Amsterdam – Het Muziektheater
As You Like It
Saint Matthew Passion

Essen – Opernhaus
The Ballet School / Shakespeare's Lovers / Les Chaises

Milwaukee – Dance Factory

Milwaukee – Performing Arts Center, Uihlein Hall
Celebration Suite / Shakespeare's Lovers / What Love Tells Me
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler
A Streetcar Named Desire
Saint Matthew Passion

Salzburg – Großes Festspielhaus and Felsenreitschule
As You Like It

Barcelona – Gran Teatre del Liceu
The Nutcracker
The Saga of King Arthur
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Bonn – Opera House
The Ballet School / Shakespeare's Lovers / Mozart 338


Leverkusen – Forum
A Streetcar Named Desire
Bach Suite 3 / Mozart 338 / Shakespeare's Lovers

Frankfurt-Höchst – Jahrhunderthalle
Bach Suite 3 / Mozart 338 / Shakespeare's Lovers

Luxembourg – Grand Théâtre
Bach Suite 3 / Mozart 338 / Shakespeare's Lovers

Neuss – Stadthalle Neuss
Bach Suite 3 / Mozart 338 / Shakespeare's Lovers

Gütersloh – Stadthalle Gütersloh
Bach Suite 3 / Mozart 338 / Shakespeare's Lovers

Yokohama – Kanagawa Kenmin Hall
The Saga of King Arthur

Urawa – Urawa-shi Bunka Center
As You Like It

Kyoto – Kyoto Kaiman
The Saga of King Arthur

Tokyo – NHK Hall
The Nutcracker
The Saga of King Arthur

Osaka – Festival Hall
The Nutcracker

Kobe – Kokusai Kaikan
As You Like It

Fukuoka – Sun Palace Hall
As You Like It
The Saga of King Arthur

Nagoya – Shimin Kaikan
As You Like It

Tokyo – Bunka Kaikan
As You Like It

Copenhagen – Det Kongelige Teater
Bach Suite 3 / Mozart 338 / Shakespeare's Lovers

Athens – Odeon of Herodes Atticus
Daphnis and Chloe / Firebird
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler


Paris – Opéra National de Paris, Palais Garnier
Peer Gynt

Ludwigshafen – Theater im Pfalzbau
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Copenhagen – Østre-Gaswerk

Moscow – Bolshoi Theatre
Peer Gynt

Moscow – Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Music Theatre
Tristan / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Saint Petersburg – Kirov Theatre
Peer Gynt
Tristan / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Stuttgart – Staatstheater
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Taormina – Teatro Antico
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Soldier Songs (Des Knaben Wunderhorn) / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Toronto – Elgin Theatre
Kinderszenen / Bach Suite 3 / Shakespeare's Lovers / Mozart 338

Gütersloh – Stadthalle
Saint Matthew Passion

Schwerin – Mecklenburgisches Staatstheater
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Stuttgart – Staatstheater


Bregenz – Festspielhaus
Windows on MOZART
Soldier Songs (Des Knaben Wunderhorn) / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Frankfurt-Höchst – Jahrhunderthalle
Soldier Songs (Des Knaben Wunderhorn) / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Dresden – Semperoper
Windows on MOZART

Bonn – Opera House
Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Salzburg – Felsenreitschule

Belfast – Grand Opera House
A Midsummer Night's Dream


Leverkusen – Forum
Soldier Songs (Des Knaben Wunderhorn) / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Frankfurt-Höchst – Jahrhunderthalle

Dresden – Semperoper
Soldier Songs (Des Knaben Wunderhorn) / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler
Saint Matthew Passion

Ludwigshafen – Theater im Pfalzbau
Soldier Songs (Des Knaben Wunderhorn) / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Turin – Parco Rignon

Palermo – Teatro di Verdura
Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Jupiter Symphony

Châteauvallon – Amphithéâtre
Soldier Songs (Des Knaben Wunderhorn) / Spring and Fall / Mozart 338


Frankfurt-Höchst – Jahrhunderthalle
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Neumünster – Holstenhalle
Bernstein Serenade

Bonn – Forum der Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle
Kinderszenen / Bernstein Serenade


Ludwigshafen – Theater im Pfalzbau
Trilogie M. R.

Nagoya – Aichi Geijutsu Bunka Center
Illusions – like Swan Lake

Osaka – Festival Hall
Illusions – like Swan Lake

Kobe – Kokusai Kaikan

Hiroshima – Kosei Nenkin Kaikan
Le Sacre / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Kitakyushu – Kosei Nenkin Kaikan

Tokyo – Bunka Kaikan
Le Sacre / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Kyoto – Kaikan Daiichi Hall
Le Sacre / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Tokyo – NHK Hall
Illusions – like Swan Lake

Ichikawa – Bunka Kaikan

Omiya – Sonic City Hall
Le Sacre / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Yokohama – Kanagawa Kenmin Hall
Illusions – like Swan Lake

Basel – Großer Saal der Mustermesse
Spring and Fall / Bernstein Serenade / Now and Then


Gütersloh – Stadthalle
Spring and Fall / Bernstein Serenade / Now and Then

Ludwigshafen – Forum am Schlosspark
A Cinderella Story

Frankfurt-Höchst – Jahrhunderthalle
A Cinderella Story

Dresden – Semperoper
Lady of the Camellias
In the Between

Munich – Nationaltheater
A Cinderella Story
Spring and Fall / Pavane / Carmen-Suite / Bernstein Serenade a.o.

Bergen – Grieghallen

Athens – Megaron, The Athens Concert Hall


Ludwigshafen – Theater im Pfalzbau

Buenos Aires – Teatro Colón
Lady of Camellias
Spring and Fall / Now and Then / Bernstein Serenade

São Paulo – Teatro Municipal
Lady of the Camellias
Spring and Fall / Now and Then / Bernstein Serenade

Rio de Janeiro – Teatro Municipal
Lady of the Camellias

Montpellier – Le Corum, Opéra Berlioz
Saint Matthew Passion

Genoa Nervi – Teatro al Parco di Nervi

Genoa – Teatro Carlo Felice
Romeo and Juliet


Frankfurt-Höchst – Jahrhunderthalle
VIVALDI or What you will

Sagami Ono – Green Hall

Hamamatsu – Act City Hall
Lady of the Camellias

Hiroshima – Kosei Nenkin Kaikan
Spring and Fall / Now and Then / Bernstein Serenade

Ichikawa – Bunka Kaikan
Spring and Fall / Now and Then / Bernstein Serenade

Osaka – Festival Hall
Lady of the Camellias

Fukuoka – Sun Palace Hall
Lady of the Camellias

Nagoya – Aichi Geijutsu Bunka Center
Lady of the Camellias

Omiya – Sonic City Hall
Lady of the Camellias

Tokyo – NHK Hall

Tokyo – Bunka Kaikan
Lady of the Camellias

St. Pölten – Festspielhaus
The Sleeping Beauty (Choreography: Mats Ek)

Hanover – Niedersächsisches Staatstheater
A Midsummer Night's Dream


Frankfurt-Höchst – Jahrhunderthalle

Ludwigshafen – Theater im Pfalzbau

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Bernstein Dances

New York – State Theater
Soldier Songs (Des Knaben Wunderhorn) / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler
Bernstein Dances

Stockholm – Kungliga Teatern
VIVALDI or What you will


Frankfurt-Höchst – Jahrhunderthalle
Time after Time / Night Sketches / Winter Ways

Hong Kong – Cultural Centre, Grand Theatre
Bernstein Dances
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Shanghai – Shanghai Grand Theatre
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Beijing – Exhibition Center Theatre
A Midsummer Night's Dream


Paris – Théâtre du Châtelet
Illusions – like Swan Lake

Rio de Janeiro – Teatro Municipal
excerpts from Bach Suite 2 / Time after Time / Night Sketches / Bernstein Dances

São Paulo – Teatro Municipal
excerpts from Bach Suite 2 / Time after Time / Night Sketches / Bernstein Dances

Buenos Aires – Teatro Colón
excerpts from Bach Suite 2 / Time after Time / Night Sketches / Bernstein Dances

Moscow – Maly Theatre
excerpts from Time after Time / Spring and Fall / Bernstein Dances a.o.

Prague – The National Theatre
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Rome – Teatro dell'Opera Roma

Frankfurt-Hoechst – Jahrhunderthalle

Oldenburg – Staatstheater
Vaslav / Night Sketches / Bach Suite 2 a.o.

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
A Midsummer Night's Dream


Hanover – Niedersächsisches Staatstheater

Dusseldorf – Deutsche Oper am Rhein
Bernstein Dances

Munich – Bayerische Staatsoper

Vaison-la-Romaine – Palais de l'Archevêché

Aix-en-Provence – Théâtre Antique

Copenhagen – Det Kongelige Teater

Ludwigshafen – Theater im Pfalzbau

Palermo – Teatro Massimo
Lady of the Camellias


Gütersloh – Stadthalle
Vaslav / Bach Suite 2 / Night Sketches / Getting Closer

Neuss – Stadthalle
Vaslav / Bach Suite 2 / Night Sketches / Getting Closer

Copenhagen – Det Kongelige Teater

Athens – Odeon of Herodes Atticus

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Saint Matthew Passion


Paris – Opéra National de Paris, Palais Garnier

Singapore – Esplanade, Theaters on the Bay
Bernstein Dances

Hong Kong – Kwai Tsing Theater Auditorium and Cultural Centre, Grand Theatre
Saint Matthew Passion
Lady of the Camellias

Vienna – Museumsquatier Wien

Saint Petersburg – Mariinsky Theatre
The Seagull
Lady of the Camellias

Madrid – Teatro Real

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler
Death in Venice


Costa Mesa – Orange County Performance Arts Center

New York – City Center

Washington – Kennedy Center

Reggio Emilia – Teatro Municipale Valli and Teatro Ariosto
Bernstein Dances

Dortmund – Konzerthaus Dortmund
Saint Matthew Passion

Paris – Espace Pierre Cardin
excerpts from Spring and Fall / Nijinsky / Des Knaben Wunderhorn / Shall we dance? / Lady of the Camellias / Carmen / Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Préludes CV
Lady of the Camellias
Death in Venice


Yokohama – Kanagawa Kenmin Hall
A Sleeping Beauty

Tokyo – Bunkamura Orchard Hall

Tokyo – Bunka Kaikan

Kobe – International House

Hiroshima – Kosei Nenkin Kaikan

Fukuoka – Sun Palace Hall
A Sleeping Beauty

Osaka – Festival Hall
A Sleeping Beauty

Tokyo – NHK Hall
A Sleeping Beauty

Nagoya – Shimin Kaikan Hall

Vienna – Museumsquatier, Halle E

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Saint Matthew Passion

Frankfurt – Alte Oper
Saint Matthew Passion


Cagliari – Teatro Lirico di Cagliari
Romeo and Juliet

Athens – Megaron, The Athens Concert Hall

Dresden – Staatsschauspielhaus Dresden

Vienna – Theater an der Wien

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Parzival – Episodes and Echo


New York – Brooklyn Academy of Music
Death in Venice

Costa Mesa – Orange County Performance Arts Center
Death in Venice
Lady of the Camellias

Parma – Teatro Regio di Parma
A Cinderella Story

Oberammergau – Passionstheater
Saint Matthew Passion

Saint Petersburg – Hermitage Theatre
excerpts from Spring and Fall / Nijinsky / Othello / Carmen / Shall we dance? / Lady of the Camellias / Soldier Songs (Des Knaben Wunderhorn) / Opus 100 – for Maurice / Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Nocturnes / Nachtwanderung
The Seagull

Vienna – Theater an der Wien
Christmas Oratorio I-III


Leverkusen – Forum Leverkusen
Soldier Songs (Des Knaben Wunderhorn) / Fifth Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Paris – Théâtre du Châtelet
Death In Venedig

Barcelona – Gran Teatre del Liceu
Death In Venedig

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
A Cinderella Story


Vienna – Theater an der Wien
Death In Venice

Tokyo – NHK Hall
The Little Mermaid

Yokohama – Kanagawa Kenmin Hall
Lady of the Camellias

Nagoya – Aichi Arts Theatre
The Little Mermaid

Nishinomiya – Hyogo Performing Arts Center
Lady of the Camellias
The Little Mermaid

Hiroshima – Kosei Nenkin Kaikan
Lady of the Camellias

Fukuoka – Sun Palace Hall
Lady of the Camellias

Bonn – Theater Bonn
Saint Matthew Passion

Venice – Teatro La Fenice
Death in Venice

Saint Petersburg – Alexandrinsky Theatre
Le Pavillon d'Armide / Vaslav / Le Sacre

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus

Monaco – Grimaldi Forum

Vienna – Theater an der Wien
Christmas Oratorio I-VI


Beijing – China National Center for Performing Arts
Lady of the Camellias

Spoleto – Festival dei Due Mondi, Piazza Duomo
The World of John Neumeier

Ravenna – Palazzo Mauro de André
Vaslav / Afternoon of a Faun / Le Sacre

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
A Streetcar Named Desire

Paris – Opéra National de Paris, Palais Garnier
Parzival – Episodes and Echo


Stuttgart – Staatstheater Stuttgart

Vienna – Theater an der Wien

Gütersloh – Theater Gütersloh
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Seven Haiku of the Moon / Seasons – The Colors of Time


Beijing – China National Center for Performing Arts
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Hong Kong – Cultural Centre, Grand Theatre
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler
A Streetcar Named Desire

Shanghai – Shanghai Grand Theatre

Leverkusen – Forum Leverkusen
Saint Matthew Passion

Essen – Philharmonie Essen
Saint Matthew Passion

Moscow – Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Academic Music Theatre
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Brisbane – Queensland Performing Arts Centre, Playhouse
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus

Saint Petersburg – Mikhailovsky Theater
Lady of the Camellias
Gala: Neumeier without Borders


Chicago – Harris Theater

Costa Mesa – Segerstrom Center for the Arts
The Little Mermaid

San Francisco – War Memorial Opera House

Essen – Philharmonie Essen
Vaslav / At Midnight / Petruschka Variations / Kinderszenen

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
The Little Mermaid


Bonn – Theater Bonn
Vaslav / At Midnight / Petruschka Variations / Kinderszenen

Costa Mesa – Segerstrom Center for the Arts

San Francisco – War Memorial Opera House
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Chicago – Harris Theater (performances canceled as a result of a fire at the Harris Theater)
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Vienna – Theater an der Wien
Lady of the Camellias

Copenhagen – Det Kongelige Teater
Death in Venice

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Shakespeare Dances

Vienna – Theater an der Wien
Christmas Oratorio I-VI


Muscat – Royal Opera House Muscat
The Nutcracker

Madrid – Teatro Real
Death in Venice

Salzburg – Grosses Festpielhaus
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Venice – Teatro La Fenice
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
The Nutcracker
Christmas Oratorio I-VI


Moscow – Bolshoi Theatre
Peer Gynt

Chicago – Harris Theater
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

Tokyo – Bunka Kaikan
The World of John Neumeier
A Midsummer Night's Dream

Vienna – Theater an der Wien
Shakespeare Dances

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
The World of John Neumeier
Romeo and Juliet


Florence – Opera di Firenze
Third Symphony of Gustav Mahler

New York – The Joyce Theater
Old Friends

Washington – Kennedy Center
The Little Mermaid

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
The Song of the Earth

Moscow – Tchaikovsky Concert Hall
Saint Matthew Passion


Tokyo – Bunka Kaikan
Lady of the Camellias
The World of John Neumeier

Kyoto – AOHM Theater
The World of John Neumeier

Friedrichshafen – Graf-Zeppelin-Haus
Saint Matthew Passion

Vienna – Theater an der Wien
The Seagull

Spoleto – Festival dei Due Mondi, Teatro Romano
Old Friends

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Bernstein Dances
Anna Karenina


Hong Kong – Cultural Centre, Grand Theatre
Beethoven Project
The Nutcracker
The World of John Neumeier

Beijing – Tianqiao Theater
Lady of the Camellias

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Orphée et Eurydice
Beethoven Project


Venice – Teatro La Fenice

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Ghost Light


Vienna – Theater an der Wien
Beethoven Project II

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Death in Venice
A Midsummer Night's Dream


Los Angeles – Dorothy Chandler Pavilion
Saint Matthew Passion
Bernstein Dances

Tarbes – Halle Marcadieu
Ghost Light

Baden-Baden – Festspielhaus
Beethoven Project II
Hamlet 21


Venice – Teatro La Fenice
Lady of the Camellias

Chicago – The Harris Theater
The Glass Menagerie

Tokyo – Bunka Kaikan

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